Monday, August 12, 2019

Stem Cells Helping Golfers Elbow Pains?

Pain Pills & Cortisone Shots Make Golfers Elbow Worse?

If you suffer from golfer’s elbow, is there a better treatment option than pain pills, cortisone shots or God forbid elbow surgery? 

The short answer is yes.

In this article, we’ll give you some insights on why the conventional methods are actually often times making your elbow pain worse. Plus we’ll share a treatment option that the pro athlete does because it gets such solid results.

Let’s take a closer look at what that new treatment method is all about.

HUCT, or Human Umbilical Cord Therapy, could be the answer. Stem cell treatments use your body’s own naturally occurring healing agents to treat and repair injuries like golfer’s elbow. 

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Stem cell research has been intensely studied over the last decade, and the results are astonishing. 

Patients who suffer from chronic joint pains are finding the relief they need without having to go under the knife, take dangerous pain pills, or live with debilitating pain. 

Let’s take a dive into what stem cells are and how this may just be the best treatment option for those suffering from golfer’s elbow and other joint pains.  

Golfers elbow pain treatment

What Are Stem Cells?

By now, you’ve probably heard of stem cells in the news, or maybe you even know of someone who has received stem cell treatment. But you may not quite understand what exactly stem cells are and if this treatment really lives up to the hype.

Stem cells are your body’s raw materials. These are the cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. 

In other words, stem cells are the only cells in the body that have the natural ability to regenerate and generate new cell types. Pretty amazing stuff, right? 

Doctors and researchers have been studying these fascinating cells for years now with hopes to gain a much deeper understanding of our bodies, the conditions that plague them, and how to treat those conditions.

While researchers have made many breakthroughs with stem cell research, there is still a ton to learn, but the findings so far are absolutely astounding.  

HUCT stem cells come from healthy mothers who donate their umbilical cord and the stem cells from the cord blood. This is a very safe, non-invasive method of retrieving stem cells that can potentially save someone’s life or alleviate the chronic pain they are experiencing. 

What’s The Cause of Golfers Elbow? And Why Does It Hurts So Much?

Golfer’s elbow, or medial epicondylitis, can be described as pain and inflammation in the tendons that connect your forearm to your elbow. If you have this condition, the pain usually radiates from a bony bump on the inside of your elbow and goes up through your forearm. 

You don’t necessarily have to be a golfer to experience golfer’s elbow, however, many golfers do get this condition due to the way you have to grip, rotate, and flex your wrist while swinging a club. The repetitive motion of swinging, flexing, and gripping can cause tiny tears or pulls in your tendons that can be very painful. 

You may have also heard of tennis elbow or pitcher’s elbow, these are similar conditions, caused by the same repetitive motions of your sport. No matter what sport you play, if your game is thrown off by nagging pain and discomfort, it can be difficult to enjoy doing the things you love.

If you’re like most people who suffer from the distressing pain of golfer’s elbow, you’ve probably turned to your general practitioner or orthopedic surgeon for advice. It’s important that you understand the various treatment methods available as well as the risks and side effects involved before you make your treatment decision. 

Conventional Treatment Options – Golfers & Tennis Elbow

When it comes to golfer’s elbow, the first thing that your doctor will likely recommend is that you discontinue the action that is causing the pain. For all you serious golfers out there, this is a real bummer because who wants to give up their golf game? 

There are three conventional treatment options that may be offered to you. These include: 

  1. Medication

You may be advised to take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen. These simply mask or lessen the pain you experience, without ever treating the root cause of the problem. 

  1. Cortisone Injections

Corticosteroid injections are often used as a short-term pain reliever; however, they haven’t been shown to be effective in the long term as they can’t heal the underlying tendon damage. 

  1. Therapy

There are a few different forms of conventional therapy that are offered to patients suffering from golfer’s elbow. As we mentioned, rest and avoiding the motion that caused the damage is the number one recommendation. 

Your doctor may also provide you with stretches or exercises that you can do at home to alleviate the symptoms, or even refer you to a physical therapist for a rehabilitation plan.

  1. Surgery

Surgery is usually the last resort; however, many doctors recommend that patients undergo surgery if after 6-12 months their symptoms are not improving. Surgery is obviously a highly invasive procedure and the recovery time can take months, with no guarantee of a cure. 

Side Effects of Pills and Cortisone Shots

Pain medication and cortisone shots are the traditional “go-to’s” for doctors who have patients that suffer from golfer’s elbow. It’s important for patients to understand that these traditional treatment methods are not curing their condition, and there are several side effects that should make you think twice, including: 

Cortisone Shots: 

  • Joint infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Thinning of your skin and soft tissue around the injection site 
  • Pain and inflammation in the joint 
  • The weakening of your tendons, even rupture
  • Thinning of your nearby bones
  • Whitening or lightening of the skin around your injection site
  • Death your nearby bones
  • A temporary increase in blood sugar

Pain Pills: 

  • Heartburn
  • Upset stomach and stomach ulcers
  • Blood clots 
  • Heart attack 
  • Stroke
  • Cataracts
  • Bone loss
  • Swelling

And to think, you may experience all these negative side effects with no guarantee of a cure-that doesn’t sound too promising, does it? 

While we know and understand that there are a time and a place for conventional treatments, it is exciting to know that the stem cells for golfer’s elbow treatment are a safer, more natural treatment method that can potentially cure your pain for good. 

Stem Cell Shot Benefits 

New research is being conducted every day into the use of stem cells for golfer’s elbow, but the preliminary findings are outstanding. There have been hundreds of patients who have utilized stem cell therapy to treat their golfer’s elbow and have seen amazing results. 

The main benefit to stem cell shots is the fact that stem cells are a naturally occurring cell in the body, which greatly reduces the risk of any complications or negative side effects. 

Stem cells are a safer, more natural alternative to conventional treatments and the recovery time is minimal. In fact, many golfers report being able to get back on the green almost immediately following their injections, with most patients back on the course within a month. 

The key to stem cell shots is that they are getting to the root of the problem and treating it, not just putting a band-aid on the problem.

Stem cells can be guided into becoming very specific cells that are used to regenerate and repair diseased or damaged tissues and tendons. These cells are essentially tiny superheroes who, when put into action, can save the day (and your golf game).  

While research continues into cell regeneration and the use of stem cells to cure joint pain, there are hundreds of people who can already attest to the fact that this therapy works. 

Give us a call and we’ll be glad to answer your questions. If you want to learn more about regenerative medicine click here.

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